People will die because of overcrowded hospitals

But there will be fewer of them, because tens of thousands of Americans who could have been saved will die, writes the American magazine Atlantic.
A lot of evidence indicates that one of the worst fears of a pandemic is coming true - that hospitals will be overcrowded, which will lead to unnecessary deaths. Americans who are dying of COVID-19 today would have survived if they had fallen ill a month ago.
Last Wednesday, for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic, there were 100.000 patients with COVID-19 in American hospitals. The pandemic nightmare, the collapse of the national hospital and the health system, reappeared after the first wave when the number of hospitalized was 60.000, according to the magazine.
Hospitals have become overcrowded, forcing them to be restrictive about who they receive and leading to more Americans dying unnecessarily. The current increase in the number of hospitalizations began at the end of September, and hospitals have been dealing with an unprecedented demand for medical services for weeks.
The number of hospitalized patients increased almost daily. Since November 1, the number of patients with COVID-19 in hospitals has doubled, and since October 1, it has tripled.
Meanwhile, health workers worried that hospitals would soon be overcrowded. "The health care system in Iowa will collapse, no doubt," one infectologist told Atlantic in early November.
The following week, an intensive care physician in Nebraska warned: "The assumption that we will always have one hospital bed for you is incorrect." This catastrophe seems to be on the horizon not only in Iowa and Nebraska, but throughout America. The national breakdown of the hospital system can now also be seen in the coronavirus data. For...

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