Measures remain in force, what about Nestorovic? VIDEO

A member of the Crisis Staff, epidemiologist Dr Predrag Kon, stated after that session that all the measures introduced against the coronavirus remain until further notice and that there was no talk of their easing.
"The assessment of the epidemiological situation shows that there is a high level of stabilization, but there is also a slight increase that can be associated with the return from the ski resorts, but also with the presence of the British strain, which has been proven on several occasions," Kon told reporters.
In that regard, he reminded that protection with the vaccine is provided only when the second dose is received and at least ten days have passed since then. Kon appealed that we should try not to make the situation worse, and that is possible only by respecting the measures. This, he says, refers especially to the increase of controls that can be expected in the coming period, and especially to the holidays in the mountains, ski resorts.
He points out that the controls will be tightened in places that are recognized as places of infection, such as catering facilities. "The fact is that we have to endure for some more time until we acquire the protection that we need to acquire with the vaccine," Kon underlined.
According to him, the dynamics of vaccination is good, and since the vaccination capacities are expanding, the goal, as he says, is to give a total of 80.000 vaccines a day. Kon says that this is the only way to reach the necessary level we need to defend against the coronavirus, that is, to create collective immunity.

The issue of Dr Nestorovi was also discussed

Crisis Staff also strongly condemned giving of any statements that do not support respecting the measures in the fight against COVID, said...

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