Prof. Mutafchiiski Had a Third Dose. When and in Which Groups is it Recommended?

It has been proven that a certain period after immunization, the protection decreases. Therefore, I did not hesitate, as with the "first needle", to put a "third."

This is the argument of the deputy of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) Prof. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski. The hospital said that he and 11 other colleagues had received an additional dose of COVID vaccine.

Mutafchiiski was among the first to be vaccinated at the end of December last year.

"This virus must be vigorously controlled. Currently, 97% of patients hospitalized with the infection in the COVID areas of the Military Medical Academy are unvaccinated. The hope we faced in 2021 came true - vaccines at this stage are the only way to protect ourselves from the insidious disease ", the head of the Military Medical Academy was also quoted.

"There is no one left who has not "encountered" the virus - in person or through relatives and friends. Every day I see my colleagues in the infectious disease clinic, who we learned to recognize by their silhouettes. They forgot what it's like to work without hard work and protective clothing. But there is still hope in their eyes that people will regain their faith in science and that together we will win this war! ", he added.

In the late afternoon yesterday, the decision of the Expert Advisory Board for the Supervision of Immunoprophylaxis for the administration of an additional dose of vaccine was announced.

The voluntary principle applies to it again, it is set at will. Recommended for certain risk groups.


For whom the additional dose is recommended

1) immunocompromised persons:

- people with primary and secondary (eg HIV / AIDS) immune deficiencies;


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