Kammenos and SYRIZA exchange barbs

An acrimonious public conflict has broken out between erstwhile allies SYRIZA and the former leader of the nationalist ANEL party, Panos Kammenos, who were partners in government between 2015 and 2019.

After former leader of the leftist party Alexis Tsipras had described the coalition with ANEL party as a "necessary evil," Kammenos snapped back in an interview with ANT1, referring to the negotiations with Greece's lenders at the height of the financial crisis and the Prespes name agreement with North Macedonia.

He claimed that the finance minister at the time, Yanis Varoufakis, had accepted a proposal in 2015 by then-Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany for the exit of Greece from the eurozone, in exchange for an 80-billion-euro bailout and for Greece to accept 2.5 million migrants on the islands. "The transformation of Greece...

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