Kasselakis accuses government of doublespeak on Prespa Agreement

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Main opposition SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis on Monday accused the ruling conservatives of exploiting the contentious name deal between Greece and North Macedonia for political advantage.

The Prespa Agreement, inked by the leftist SYRIZA government in 2018, had faced staunch opposition from New Democracy, then in the opposition. Some conservative officials had declared their intention to revise the pact if they assumed power.

On Sunday, the Greek government swiftly criticized North Macedonia's newly elected president, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, for referring to her country as "Macedonia," citing a breach of the agreement's terms.

Kasselakis took to social media in response on Monday, sharing a 65-second video collage featuring past comments by Adonis Georgiadis, now the health minister, purportedly exposing his inconsistency regarding the name deal. In...

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