Leaders in retail price hikes

Food and mainly olive oil, flour, meat, cheese, fruit, vegetables, potatoes, as well as apparel, ferry tickets and health insurance premiums have emerged among the "champions" of price increases in Greece in the period 2019-2024. These are goods and services whose prices not only increased a lot, even more than 120% during the period under review, but also more than the European average.

On the other hand, however, in the same period, the prices of several products and services increased at a much lower rate than in the European Union, while there were even some price reductions. These were in products such as fish, pasta, sugar, drinks, cigarettes, food service and tourism.

According to Eurostat's analytical data on the evolution of prices in the period July 2019 - April 2024, the harmonized index of consumer prices increased by 16.5% in Greece compared to 23.1% in...

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