What will be considered a ‘success’ for parties in the European elections?


A question that inevitably arises in the run-up to the European Parliament elections is what percentage will be considered a success for each Greek party, both in terms of substance and communication management. And the answer is not simple.

For ruling New Democracy, the picture is relatively clear. It will need to achieve the target publicly set by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis himself: winning 33% of the vote, like it did in the previous European elections.

The prime minister hastened to publicly "impose" this threshold to avoid the dangers inherent in excessive expectations. Besides, the comparison with the 41% secured by his party in the last national elections is, for many reasons, distorting.

At the same time, there are indications that the difference between the first and second party will again be so great that even if the percentage achieved is a...

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