Police continue investigation into second cocaine haul

[Hellenic Police]

New information has emerged about the discovery of a second container of cocaine in a container in the port of Piraeus this week.

The second shipment, found on Thursday, comprises 100 kilograms of cocaine, which was hidden among frozen squid.

The vessel on which the container was loaded had embarked from Peru, with its shipping documents stating that it was destined for Croatia.

Anti-drugs prosecutors are preparing a case file against unknown persons in relation to the discovery.

Thursday's discovery occurred a day after a bigger cocaine shipment, amounting to 210 kilograms, was hidden in a container of frozen shrimp that had arrived on a vessel from Ecuador and was en route to Albania.

After that seizure, two Greeks and two Albanians were arrested.

One of the Albanians is believed to be the leader of the gang who had an outstanding arrest...

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