Djuric:Some proponents of Srebrenica resolution trying to deceive public through lies

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Marko Djuric said on Monday some proponents on the Srebrenica resolution were trying to deceive the international public after even attempting to win over some UN member states through false claims Serbia itself would vote for the resolution or at least abstain.

"The truth is entirely different. We went and literally knocked on the door of every UN member state, including even the co-sponsors of the resolution, and you have seen that, in the end, we had a situation where several co-sponsors did not vote for the resolution, which tells you about the amount of pressure on some countries to back something they, in fact, knew nothing about," Djuric told Happy TV.

He said Serbia's diplomatic action, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, had been unprecedented and involved the country's entire diplomatic system.

"We also had representatives in...

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