
Country: Albania
Tiranë District
Population: 418 495

If we succeed, from January 1, 2023, no borders for Serbian citizens - "Open Balkans"

The prime ministers of North Macedonia and Albania, Zoran Zaev and Edi Rama, are also taking part in the forum.
Vui was first handed letters of thanks for his help in the fight against coronavirus and donations of vaccines to North Macedonia. He thanked them and then announced the big plans that North Macedonia, Albania and Serbia have.

Albania’s Constitutional Court Suspends National Theatre Proceedings

After three sessions, the Constitutional Court in Tirana has suspended the legal initiatives that paved the way for construction of a new National Theatre undertaken by the government and the Municipality of Tirana until the court issues a final decision on the issue.

The old National Theatre was demolished in May 2020, after three years of protests by activists.

"The Kosovo battle represents nothing but a chauvinistic orgy... It's a lie"

According to him, this means announcing an international competition for a memorial that will reflect the role of the Dardanian factor in the Middle Ages within feudal formations that were equal factors in the devastated area of Byzantium in the circumstances before the schism of Christianity.

Week in Review: Making Bad Situations Worse

Wrong Direction

The House of the National Assembly in Belgrade, Serbia, 28 April 2020. EPA-EFE/ANDREJ CUKIC

Serbia's existing legislation on access to information provides a good framework - at least in theory - for those seeking to hold government to account. In practice, of course, it is routinely undermined and ignored by authorities determined to undermine transparency.

Albania Parliament’s Race to Fill Media Board Causes Alarm

Albania's parliament on Monday announced vacancies for four positions on the board of the country's Audio-visual Media Authority, AMA, without waiting for the new parliament elected in the April 25 elections to give its view, prompting concerns about the creation of a one-sided board supportive of Edi Rama's ruling Socialists.

North Macedonia PM Zoran Zaev on Official Visit to Brussels to Discuss EU Accession Process

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will meet today at EU Headquarters in Brussels with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Parliament President David Sassoli, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, EC Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans and with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Oliver Varhei.
