Latest News from Macedonia

PM Calls for Drills at Bulgaria's Borders with Greece, Macedonia

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov called for conducting joint military and police trainings at the borders with Greece and Macedonia in order to assess the country's capacity in dealing with a heightened migrant pressure.

EU Rightists Slate 'Double Standard' on Montenegro

The righting alliance comprising 50 MEPs and one European Commissioner on Tuesday said the EU's latest resolution on Montenegro last week demonstrated double standards and has ignored the "corruption of Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic".

Top service quality award to Istanbul Atatürk Airport

Istanbul Atatürk Airport improved its service quality the most in Europe over the past year, its operator said March 1, while noting that another of its airports, Skopje Airport, had been selected the best in Europe in its category. 

The ASQ program selected the TAV-run Istanbul Atatürk Airport as "the most improved airport" in Europe.

10K migrants at border, one attempts to set herself on fire

A middle-aged refugee woman has tried to set herself on fire near the Idomeni border crossing between Greece and Macedonia.

Macedonian media are reporting on Wednesday morning, citing Greek agency ANA-MPA, that other refugees managed to prevent the woman's suicide attempt and that she was given medical assistance in a Doctors Without Borders tent.

Migrant Backlog Builds up at Greece's Border with Macedonia  

Up to 10,000 migrants and refugees were stuck on Greece's border with Macedonia on Tuesday, waiting to be allowed to continue their journey to western European countries, in which they want to seek asylum, newswires reported.

Trips of Bulgarians Abroad Increased by 4 % Y/Y in January

According to the latest figures of the National Statistical Institute (NSI) released on Monday, Bulgarians completed 306 856 trips abroad in the first month of this year, which represented an increase of 4 % compared to January 2015.

Croatia returns 500 migrants to Serbia - NGO

There are about 500 people in Presevo, southern Serbia, who have been returned from Croatia, while there are hundreds of refugees in Tabanovce, Macedonia.

This is according to Executive Director of the Asylum Protection Center NGO Rados Djurovic, who spoke on Tuesday.

Migrants try to storm Greece-Macedonia border fence

Hundreds of refugees on Feb. 29 tried to break through a border fence into Macedonia from Greece, where more than 7,000 people are stranded, as anger mounts over barriers to entry imposed on migrants flooding into Europe.

Dozens of migrants injured while charging border fence

At least 30 migrants, including many children, have sought medical help after they broke through the fence on the Macedonia-Greece border.

To prevent refugees from going into the territory of Macedonia, the police threw tear gas and stun grenades. Nobody was arrested during the incident on Monday morning.

Merkel Criticises Eastern Europe for Unilateral Approach to Migrants

German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized eastern European countries for acting independently and unilaterally in their response to the refugee crisis.

In particular, Merkel criticised the border controls imposed by Austria and several Balkan countries, which have left migrants stranded in Greece as they continue to arrive from Turkey.

Bulgaria's Bansko Reports 15-20 % Drop in Greek Tourists Due to Blockade

The Bulgarian ski resort of Bansko registered a drop of 15-20 % in the number of Greek tourists in the past month due to the blockades staged by Greek farmers at checkpoints along the border with Bulgaria.

This preliminary data was presented by the mayor of Bansko, Geogri Ikonomov, in an interview for Focus radio on Monday.
