Latest News from Macedonia

Macedonia Opposition Chief Joins Angry TV Duel

Macedonia's politial crisis took a new twist on Wednesday, after a pro-government TV interviewer accused the head of the opposition Social Democrats of lying - and predicted he would end up in jail.

Sofia Hosts 33rd Edition of Holiday & Spa International Tourist Fair

The Bulgarian capital will host the 33rd edition of the Holiday & Spa Expo International Tourist Fair.

The largest tourist forum in Bulgaria will take place at the Inter Expo Center in Sofia between Thursday and Saturday.

Serbia Ready to Follow Suit if Others on Balkan Migrant Route Close Borders

If some countries on the so-called Balkan route close their borders to asylum seekers, Serbia will have to do the same on its border with Macedonia, Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has said.

"Those people will not be able to be stationed here," Serbian broadcaster b92 quoted Dacic as saying after a meeting with his Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz in Belgrade on Tuesday.

Macedonia Calls for EU-wide Solution to Migrant Crisis

Macedonia won't allow to be turned into a refugee camp, the country's Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki has stated, referring to the influx of asylum seekers transiting the Balkan country from Greece on their way to the EU.

Austria Tells Balkans to Curb Refugee Flow

Croatian Interior Minister Vlaho Orepic said trains will begin transporting refugees directly from the Macedonia-Greece border to Austria without stopping in any countries on the way.The move came two days after Macedonian Army began erecting a new 37 km-long fence on the border with Greece to prevent refugees and migrants from entering the country illegally.The new, longer and taller fence is

Bulgaria Posts BGN 2 B Deficit in 2015 Trade with Third Countries

Bulgaria ran a deficit of BGN 2.0 B in trade with third countries last year, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) announced on Tuesday.

In December 2015, the balance of trade with third countries showed a deficit of BGN 23.2 M, the NSI said citing preliminary data.

Greece offers to send migrants directly back to Turkey via Aegean Sea

Greece's defense minister has said he wants an agreement with neighboring Turkey that would allow the European Union's Frontex border agency to stop and turn back - within Turkish waters - boats carrying migrants to the Greek islands.

Killing People 'Pained' Enver Hoxha, Widow Says

Nexhmije Hoxha, 95-year-old widow of Albania's late communist dictator Enver Hoxha, on Monday made her an on-air farewell to Albanians, declaring that this would be her last recorded talk.

IOM: Migrant Arrivals to Europe Likely to Exceed One Million in 2016

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), it is possible for the number of migrants and refugees arriving to Europe to exceed the one million mark this year as it did in 2015.

This was stated by IOM spokesperson Joel Millman, TASS news agency quotes him as saying.

Serbian citizens, authorities do "admirable work" in crisis

An OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation has visited southern Serbia, where they met with refugees, aid workers, and officials at reception facilities.

The delegation of the Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions led by Chairperson Isabel Santos traveled near the border of Serbia with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the OSCE said in a statement.

Macedonia Opposition Unlikely to Bridge Ethnic Gap

Despite their common goal of toppling the long-standing Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, opposition parties from the ethnic Macedonian and Albanian blocs appear unlikely to form a joint front in the coming general election, political observers say.

Serbia Urges Unified Solution to Refugee Crisis

The world has to be united in its decisions on Syria - and Serbia will accept any European solution on the refugee issue, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told a conference of world leaders in London dedicated to the Syrian crisis on Thursday.

Balkan Leaders Urge Better Security Cooperation


Ministers and diplomats from Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Hungary and Bulgaria gathered for two days in Pristina, Kosovo, to discuss matters of shared interest, especially security and migration issues.

The struggle against terrorism and religious radicalisation was among the main topics, along the migration crisis and security in the region.

Bulgaria Drops to 75th Place in FIFA Ranking

The Bulgarian men's national football team dropped three positions in the latest FIFA/Coca-Cola World ranking released on Thursday.

At present, Bulgaria occupies 75th position with 494 points, being between the teams of South Africa and Zambia.

There is no change to the first eighteen positions in the ranking as only 43 matches have been played since the start of the year.

Macedonia Special Prosecution Charged With Crimes

The Special Prosecution formed in Macedonia to investigate allegations of high-level wrongdoings and corruption has flatly denied allegations that its members have intimidated or molested potential witnesses and thus abused their office.
