Latest News from Macedonia

Balkan States Agree to Transport Migrants to Austria

At a meeting in Zagreb on Thursday, the police chiefs of Austria, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia agreed to organize the joint transport of Middle Eastern migrants from the Macedonia-Greece border all the way to Austria, where they will have the chance to stay or continue their journey to Germany.

Macedonia Awaits EU-US Ruling on Election Date

A joint EU and US assessment of whether Macedonia is ready to go into early elections is expected to influence a decision on whether to pursue an April 24 election date - or postpone polls until all reform priorities envisaged in last summer's EU-brokered crisis accord are met.

NATO Agreement Causes Ructions in Serbia

The adoption of the Support and Procurement Organization, NSPO, agreement with NATO has sparked a stormy debate in the country about whether it is undermining Serbia's proclaimed doctrine of military neutrality and bringing it closer to NATO.

Detention Refused for Macedonia Election Fraud Suspects

The Criminal Court in Skopje has until Thursday to answer complaints filed by Macedonia's Special Prosecution over the Court's decision last Friday to leave ministers suspected of election fraud at liberty.

The eight suspects, including two former ministers, were questioned about fraud allegations over the weekend but left the court as free people.

Bulgaria's Varna to Host Men's Volleyball European League Finals

The Palace of Culture and Sports in the Bulgarian city of Varna will host this year's edition of then men's volleyball European League finals between July 1 and 3.

This will be the first participation of Bulgaria in the tournament, with eight teams competing this year.

Crunch time for TAV: On the hunt for new airports as Istanbul deal expires

Turkish airport operator TAV aims to add one or two airports to its portfolio and boost revenue from its service businesses to compensate for the looming expiry of its contract to run Istanbul's Atatürk Airport, Chief Executive Sani ?ener said on Feb. 14.

Bulgaria FM Calls for NATO Operation along Border with Turkey

NATO should "have a land operation" along the Bulgaria-Turkey and the Greece-Turkey borders if its recently launched mission in the Aegean proves successful, Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov said on Tuesday.

Bulgarian PM to Participate in Visegrad Group Meeting on Refugee Crisis

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov will participate in the meeting of the leaders of the Visegrad Group countries in Prague on Monday.

The meeting will mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group, which brings together the countries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Bulgaria's PM Borisov Discusses Border Protection with Merkel

Calls coming from Central Europe for a "reserve border system" at Bulgaria and Macedonia's borders with Greece has been the main issue in a phone conversation of Bulgaria's Prime Minister with his German counterpart Angela Merkel.

Macedonia told to be ready "to completely stop migrant flow"

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz told Macedonia "to be ready to completely stop the flow of migrants across its southern border from Greece."

Reuters reported this on Friday, adding that Austria announced "it would do the same on its own frontiers within months."

Macedonian Ex-Ministers Suspected of Election Fraud

Macedonia's special prosecution office has pinpointed a former interior minister and transport minister as well as the secretary general of the government as the main suspects for organizing electoral fraud during the polls in 2013.
