Latest News from Macedonia

FT speaks of EU betrayal plan to trap migrants/refugees in Greece

The Financial Times report, titled “0EU considers ringfencing Greece to stop flow of migrants”, states that EU leaders are weighting a drastic plan to staunch the inflow of asylum-seekers to Greece by blocking their passage into the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Such a plan would leave tens of thousands of migrants stranded in Greece.

Hungarian PM Orban Backs Austria's Cap on Asylum Seekers

Austria's decision to limit the number of asylum-seekers crossing its borders is "capitulation of dogmatic thinking to reality and common sense", Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

Europe cannot accept huge masses of foreigners without setting limits and controls, Orban told public broadcaster Kossulth Radio on Friday, according to

Hungarian FM Reaffirms Support for Bulgaria's Schengen Accession

During his visit to Sofia on Thursday, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto reaffirmed his country's support for the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen Area.

At a meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart Daniel Mitov, Szijjarto highlighted the need for reliable guarding of the external borders of the EU.

Serbia Fears Becoming Refugee 'Buffer Zone'

After Austria said it will refuse entry to migrants seeking to pass through to Scandinavia, Rados Djurovic, head of the Center for Protection and Help for Asylum seekers in Serbia, told BIRN that NGOs fear Serbia will become a refugee "buffer zone" for EU countries.

A month-by-month guide of where to travel in Greece (pics)


Florina is a town and municipality in mountainous northwestern Macedonia, Greece. Its motto is, ‘Where Greece begins’, but it is also where winter begins in Greece. Enjoy the Florina nights in white satin!


FYROM’s open crossing at Idomeni for migrants heading to Austria or Germany

The authorities of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) opened the border at Idomeni. Authorities say that they closed the crossing for refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria on Tuesday following the notification from Slovenian authorities of a serious technical problem in the Slovenian railway network.

Austria to Cap Asylum Claims to Tackle Migrant Inflow

Austria has decided to cap the number of refugees it wants to accept to 37,500 this year and a total of 127,500 through 2019.

The country accepted 90,000 claims last year - more than 1% of its population.

"If Croatia, Austria, Germany close borders so will Serbia"

The border between Macedonia and Serbia in the south is crossed every day by about 2,500 migrants and refugees.

It takes them several hours or at most a day to then arrive to Serbia's northwestern border with Croatia.

Macedonian Opposition Mulls Return to Streets

After Macedonia's ruling parties on Monday unilaterally elected a new interim government in parliament, paving the way for early elections in April 24, the leader of the opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, Zoran Zaev on Tuesday said his party was yet to decide on its response.

Hungary's FM Criticizes Greece over Weak Border Protection

Hungary will be forced to turn to Bulgaria and Macedonia if Greece refuses to stop the flow of migrants into the country, the country's FOreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said.

Szijjarto is on a visit to Bulgaria on Wednesday.

He has warned Greece is proving incapable of protecting its borders from migrants, allowing hundreds of thousands to find their way into Europe.

More than 480 hotels in Greece go up for sale

New research has revealed that more than 480 hotels in Crete, Macedonia, Chania and other places in Greece have been put up for sale in the past month, as Daily Mail reports citing local media.

According to the publication, some of the hotels are being sold for prices as low as €250,000 adding that this price is less than half the cost of a two-bedroom house in Fulham, London.
