Latest News from Macedonia

Macedonia Parliament OKs Caretaker Govt

Lawmakers from the ruling parties on Monday gave the thumbs up on an interim Macedonian government, local media report.

The caretaker cabinet, which is to help the country prepare for early elections on April 24, was approved by lawmakers from the main ruling VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition partner in the previous government, the ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration (DUI).

Vulin: We will behave like others on migrant route

Aleksandar Vulin has said Serbia would behave "the same way as other countries on the migrant routes when it came to migrants and the migrant situation."

Macedonia Risks Opposition Boycott Over Early Polls

The ruling majority in parliament on Monday verified the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, voted to dissolve parliament and elected a new government, paving the way for elections on April 24.

Resigned PM Confirms Early Elections to be Held in Macedonia on April 24

An important progress towards solving the political crisis in Macedonia was made on Monday as resigned Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski confirmed that early parliamentary elections will be held on April 24 as had been agreed in the summer of last year.

Disputes Create Doubt Over Macedonia Election Date

Some members of Macedonian Electoral Commission, the DIK, are disputing their chief's assessment that the country cannot organize credible elections by April 24, the date for early polls that was initially set in the EU-brokered agreement to end the crisis but has now become the subject of dispute.

Macedonia Crisis Talks Fail to Agree Election Date

The leaders of the four main political parties could not agree at the late-night talks on Friday on keeping to the agreed date of April 24 for early elections, nor on postponing the polls - leaving the country's crisis-wracked political situation in limbo.

The talks failed despite the presence of EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn, who came to Skopje to push for a resolution.

Macedonia Political Talks 'Failed', Opposition Says

The head of Macedonia's opposition SDSM party vowed that the socialists will not take part in the early general election on April 24 if they are on scheduled.

Macedonian PM Submits Resignation in Compliance with Agreement

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski submitted his resignation to the Speaker of Parliament Trajko Veljanoski on Friday.

The resignation of Gruevski is part of the political agreements reached between the main political parties of Macedonia in June and July last year with the mediation of the EU.

Macedonians Holding Bulgarian Passports Face Fines for Voting in 2014 EU Elections

Many Macedonians in possession of Bulgarian passports are facing fines for having voted in the 2014 European Parliament elections.

The Macedonians holding dual citizenship voted in Bulgarian diplomatic missions in Macedonia, including at the Bulgarian embassy in Skopje, without being eligible to do so.

Hahn Visits Macedonia to Push Through Crisis Deal

Hahn said before his visit that he expects all the overdue issues from the EU-brokered political agreement - including electoral and media reforms - to be resolved during his stay in Skopje.

Macedonian Prime Minister Confirms His Resignation

Gruevski said he would submit his resignation to the speaker of parliament on Friday morning. The resignation would come into force on 100 days before the elections.

Serbia-Russia Helicopter Deal Divides Experts

The Serbian Defence Minister, Bratislav Gasic, and the First Deputy Head of the Russian Service for Military Technical Cooperation, Andrei Markov, signed an agreement on Tuesday to establish a regional centre in Belgrade for the repair and maintenance of Russian-made helicopters.

Bulgaria to Discuss Gas, Trade, Tourism with Russia Jan 27-28

Bulgaria will discuss with Russia the potential construction of a gas distribution center on Bulgarian territory in compliance with the European Union legislation later this month, the government in Sofia said on Wednesday.
