Belgraders Prepare for May Day Jaunts

Although the former significance of May Day as International Workers’ Day has faded, the customs that followed this holiday under communism are still very much alive.

“Prvomajski uranak” (“Mayday morning”) is traditional way in which Belgraders celebrate May Day. Many will camp overnight to await the upcoming holiday or arrive really early on the day itself, before dawn, at one of the city’s popular picnic sites.

May 1st is traditionally celebrated with barbecued meat and music, while some even roast a pig or lamb on a spit over an open fire or cook up stews in bubbling cauldrons.

The most popular spots for spending the day are the hills at Kosutnjak, Avala, Ada Ciganlija Lake and some of the city’s forest parks.

Kosutnjak, located on some 330 hectares of thick forest intersected with numerous walking paths, will be crowded with hundreds of people, so those who want to join the celebration should arrive early in the morning to find a nice spot.

Other popular locations are Topcider Park, one of Belgrade’s most beautiful picnic spots near Kosutnjak, and carapicev Brest, which is one of the stops along the route to the top of Mount Avala.

Visitors to carapicev Brest will see a fire that is traditionally lit two hours after midnight to welcome visitors who arrive later.

The other two popular spots near Mount Avala are near the monument to the Unknown Hero, and Lake Tresnja.

The parties at Avala mountain can last for three whole days if campers have brought enough food and beverages.

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