Government Resignation Likely Next Week – BSP MP

Anton Kutev. Photo by BGNES

The government of Plamen Oresharski could resign “any day of next week”, Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) MP Anton Kutev told TV7. 

According to Kutev, however, if Oresharski resigned now, elections must be held in August. In his words, elections in end of July were still technically possible “with common agreement and minimum law amendments.”

“I don't understand the logic of GERB right now,” he said. “They wanted immediate elections – why can't they be held in July?”

According to Kutev, what brought down the government was the press conference of Lyutvi Mestan, leader of the junior coalition partner Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS). 

In Kutev's words, this is what brought to the surface the tensions within BSP. 

In his interview Kutev also said it was clear that the controversial businessman Delyan Peevski was proposed by DPS for head of the State Agency for National Security (DANS). - A move, which sparked public outrage and rallies.

“The question who tabled Peevski as a candidate has an answer,” Kutev said. “He is an MP of one particular political party. We did not say it until now, because they were our partners.”

According to Kutev, the only fault of BSP in this case was that it agreed to the appointment.

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