Flood damage report to be submitted by July 9

Obrenovac (B92)

Flood damage report to be submitted by July 9

BELGRADE -- Head of the government office for reconstruction Marko Blagojević says final figures on the damage from the recent floods in Serbia will be known by July 9.

Speaking on Sunday, he added that the reconstruction of the damaged homes will begin in July and should be completed by September.

According to Blagojević, the government is working on a new system to speed up the procurement process.

"A new law that will go into detail about the new procurement system should be before the government next week," he told RTS.

"The procurement process takes months, and if we followed the existing rules, we would not start working until September, which we cannot allow," he explained.

Based on the final appraisal, that is the report which will be presented on July 9, the government will ask for help from its international partners at a donor conference, Blagojević stated.

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