Argentina judge dismisses cover-up case against president

Prosecutor Alberto Nisman accused President Cristina Kirchner of obstructing a probe into a 1994 Jewish center bombing, was found shot dead on Jan. 19, 2015, just hours before he was due to testify at a congressional hearing. AFP Photo.

An Argentine judge on Feb. 27 dismissed the case against President Cristina Kirchner for allegedly shielding Iranian officials from prosecution over the 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish center.
Prosecutors had sought to relaunch the case against Kirchner that was being brought by their late colleague Alberto Nisman, who died mysteriously last month after accusing Kirchner of protecting Iranians suspected of ordering the attack which killed 85 people.
Judge Daniel Rafecas said the prosecution team that took over the file from Nisman had failed to provide sufficient evidence that Kirchner committed a crime, assailing their case in a 63-page ruling.
"I dismiss the case because no crime was committed," Rafecas said.
"It is clear that none of the alleged crimes presented by (lead prosecutor Gerardo) Pollicita in his petition to the court are demonstrated in the least."       

Responding to the prosecution's allegations that Kirchner sought to have an Interpol wanted notice for the Iranian suspects annulled, Rafecas wrote: "The evidence gathered, far from supporting the prosecution's version, roundly refutes it."       

Interpol's former director has denied that any such request was made.
Nisman was appointed a decade ago to reopen the investigation into the long-unsolved bombing at the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association, which also left 300 people wounded.
He accused Iran of ordering the attack via Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, a claim the government in Tehran denies.
He later concluded that a 2013 deal between Argentina and Iran for the suspects to be investigated by a joint commission was a conspiracy designed to ensure they...

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