Kathmandu higher, Mt. Everest shorter after huge Nepal earthquake

The destructive earthquake which hit Nepal on the 25th of April raised the city of Kathmandu, while it seems to have shortened the Himalaya peaks, including Mt. Everest, by 2.5 centimeters, according to preliminary satellite imagery data!

Scientists discovered the raised ground under Kathmandu comparing images prior to and after the earthquake, and are now awaiting more satellite information.

The initial estimates is that a huge area 120×30 km. was “raised” by about one meter during the quake.

Said imagery also reveals the shocking information that Mt. Everest, the world’s tallest peak will be 2.5 cm shorter. Everest won’t stop getting taller, however, as the Himalayas continues doing so at a rate of 1 cm. per year due to the titanic pressure plate collisions between the Indian and Eurasian plates.




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