Main opposition urges gov't to act with common sense

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Russia?s recent violation of Turkey?s airspace has exposed the stark consequences of Turkey?s Syria policy, the Republican People?s Party (CHP) has said, while calling on the government to act with responsibility.

Russian aircraft violations of Turkish airspace are unacceptable, CHP parliament group deputy chair Levent Gök said Oct. 6, but added that Russia is an important friend of Turkey and that Ankara has been developing neighboring relations.

?At this time, one should be sensitive and act with responsibility,? Gök told reporters. 

The violations display the heavy consequences of Turkey?s Syria policy, he said.

Turkey should take the situation of the region into consideration and deal with Russia in a way that will not produce new problems but solve existing problems, Gök said. 

Russian aircraft violated Turkish airspace on Oct. 3 and Oct. 4 close to the Syrian border, with Turkey summoning the Russian ambassador to Ankara twice to lodge protests.

Russia said Oct. 5 that one of its warplanes had briefly entered Turkish airspace during raids in Syria over the weekend due to bad weather and that measures were being taken to avoid a repeat.

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