Turkey chooses Rolls-Royce, Honeywell for helicopter engines


The Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company (LHTEC), a 50-50 partnership between U.K.-based Rolls-Royce and U.S.-based Honeywell, has signed an agreement with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to provide military and civilian helicopter engines.

Under the deal, LHTEC will supply CTS800 turboshaft engines for the Turkish Light Utility Helicopter, Honeywell said in a statement on Dec. 11.

"The agreement consists of a five-year development program to integrate and certify the CTS800-4AT engine model on the Turkish Light Utility Helicopter (TLUH) platform ... It is expected to result in a production program that will provide helicopters to the local Turkish military and civil market, as well as globally," the statement said.

It added that LHTEC plans to industrialize production and maintenance of the engine in Turkey, boosting the Turkish aerospace market by providing local opportunities for manufacturing and depot repair.

"This deal will deliver a wealth of employment and industrial benefits to the Turkish aerospace industry," said LHTEC president Daryl Mastin. 

"LHTEC is committed to working with local Turkish companies to manufacture the CTS800 engine as well as establish a local depot with maintenance and repair capabilities to support these future fleets," Mastin added.

The CTS800 family of engines ranges from 1,360 to 1,700 shaft horse power (shp), with the CTS800-4N equipped with a full-authority digital engine control (FADEC) that reduces pilot workload and facilitates the engine's on-condition maintenance program.

The company also said the development program delivers a number of technical and commercial advantages.
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