Turkish commander dismissed from post after food poisoning in Manisa barrack

A brigade commander was dismissed from his post on June 23 after a food poisoning incident in a military barrack in the western province of Manisa.

Brigade Commander Colonel Şefik Güvenç was dismissed from his post upon the orders of Defense Minister Fikri Işık, sources from the ministry told state-run Anadolu Agency.

After the order, Güvenç was assigned to the Turkish Land Forces Training and Doctrine Command School (EDOK) in the capital Ankara.

Some 731 soldiers were hospitalized late on June 17 after being affected by a suspected food poisoning at the Manisa First Infantry Training Brigade Command.

Speaking about the incident, Işık said all possible reasons behind the hospitalization of soldiers are being investigated. 

"We are looking into all possibilities, including sabotage claims. We are not excluding any possibilities," Işık told private broadcaster NTV on June 23, adding that four people from an inspection committee were carrying out examinations.

"As the Defense Ministry, we have launched an administrative review and investigation into the military personnel who may be at fault," he said. 

Health Minister Recep Akdağ also commented on the issue, saying they could "not say whether the incident occurred deliberately or not for now."

Akdağ referred to a similar incident that took place on May 23, when more than 1,000 soldiers were affected by a similar infection at the same military barrack, with one soldier succumbing to the effects of the poisoning.

"The May 23 incident was certainly a result of food poisoning. The examinations regarding the June 17 incident are ongoing. Over 2,000 soldiers have been interviewed and the lab results will be announced after Eid al-Fitr," he said...

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