Chinese missile can hit target anywhere in the world!

In what may kickstart yet another round of arms race between some of the most powerful countries in the world, China is all set to induct a new missile named Dongfeng-41 which has the capacity to hit targets anywhere in the world. The missile is equipped with devices to pierce its way through the enemy’s missile warning and defence systems. A report claimed that the missile can hit multiple targets after it was upgraded to carry nuclear warheads. The missile is claimed to have been tested multiple times since its launch in 2012.
The missile must have matured considerably if it is to start serving in the PLA, Xu Guangyu, a senior adviser of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association said.
The Dongfeng-41 is a three-stage solid-fuel missile with a range of at least 12,000 kms, meaning it could strike anywhere in the world from a mainland site, Xu told the Global Times. “It can carry up to 10 nuclear warheads, each of which can target separately,” Xu added.
A commentary in State-run Global Times stated that deployment of the DF-41 was a “strategic deterrence tool”. It would help China to “ready itself for pressures” imposed by the new US government headed by President Donald Trump.
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force on Sunday showed five models of China’s homemade conventional and nuclear missiles.


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