Victorious Anastasiades is now facing the challenge of history

Following his triumphant re-election for a second term as president of the Republic of Cyprus, and free from the election procedure's anxieties, Nicos Anastasiades is now facing the challenge of leaving his mark on the island's history.

Is he determined to make one more - quite possibly the last - effort to achieve a solution to the Cyprus problem that would be as fair, viable and practical as possible? Does he want to do it? If so, can he reach an agreement that will be acceptable by the Greek-Cypriot community?

Speaking to Kathimerini, Anastasiades said he is "determined to continue the dialogue, at least as far as the domestic aspects are concerned in the immediate future." Referring specifically to the prospects of a new international meeting on Cyprus, he noted that "we need some solid preparation so that we do not come up against the phenomena seen at Mont...

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