Neo-Nazi MEP banned from leaving the country

Neo-Nazi MEP Yiannis Lagos will need to apply for a special permit to travel before he can assume his responsibilities in European Parliament, as the terms of his parole prohibit him from leaving the country.

Lagos is one of several high-ranking members of the extreme-right Golden Dawn who is currently on trial for his role in the 2013 murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas by a party member and other crimes.

Lagos and party leader Nikos Michaloliakos were released from custody in 2015 after the 18-month maximum period of pretrial detention expired. They had been arrested in 2013 on charges of running a criminal organization, among others.

Golden Dawn got 4.9 percent of the vote in Sunday's elections for European Parliament, earning two seats in the assembly. The other seat goes to Thanasis Constantinou.

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