Pizza for Breakfast - Better than Cereal?

A slice of pizza for breakfast is more useful and healthy than cereals, according to a nutritionist from the United States, quoted by BTA.

Nutrition expert Chelsey Amer of New York fascinated her compatriots with the claim that the favourite pastry temptation is better for starting the day than cereal.

"Pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning,"

"Plus, a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash."

"Pizza is a more balanced breakfast than cereals that are rich in sugar. A slice of regular pizza with cheese contains a normal amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat. By comparison, a bowl of cereal with skim milk contains an abundance of sugar and carbohydrates, "says Chelsey Amer in an interview with the BBC.

"That doesn't mean we need to have pizza every day. It's best to focus on the balance between fiber-rich carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats. That way, we'll feel full all morning," the nutritionist said.

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