A monk from the Glogovac monastery was killed

The RS police have not yet confirmed this information. According to the local media, and according to the locals, which was also published on social networks, the monk was killed by an unidentified man.
It was announced on the Facebook page of the monastery: "In disbelief and sorrow, we inform all fans of the Glogovac Monastery that an unknown perpetrator stabbed the longtime monk of the Glogovac Monastery, Father Stefan, in the evening, on December 7. All details about this horrific crime will be announced later as well as the time of the funeral of the martyred monk Stefan".

У невјерици и тузи обавјештавамо све поклонике Манастира Глоговца да је данас 7. децембра у вечерњим сатима непознати...

Posted by Варнава Дамјановић on Monday, December 7, 2020

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