Weather in Bulgaria: Mostly Sunny with Max Temperatures of 16°-21° C

This morning in the western half of the country the temperatures will be low and in some places in the valleys there are conditions for frost formation.

During the day over Western and Central Bulgaria it will be mostly sunny. In the east the clouds will be significant, low layered, but by the evening they will be temporarily torn and will decrease. The wind will be light to moderate from the northeast. The maximum temperatures will be between 16° and 21° Celsius. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Victoria Kleshtanova from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).

Atmospheric pressure will decrease slightly, but will remain high from the average for October. Over the Black Sea coast the clouds will be significant, low layered, and in some places in the morning it will be foggy. Before noon the visibility will improve, and by the evening the clouds will be temporarily torn and reduced. A light to moderate northeast wind will blow. Maximum air temperatures will be 17-19°C. The temperature of the sea water will be 19-21°C. The sea wave will be 3-4 points.

The mountains will be dominated by sunny weather with temporary increases in cloudiness, but will remain without precipitation. A moderate northeast wind will blow. The maximum temperature at 1200 meters will be around 11°C, at 2000 meters - around 6°C.


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