Weather in Bulgaria: Rain and Thunder, Hail is also Possible

Sunny weather will prevail today before noon. Around and after noon, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop. There will be brief rain showers, in places with thunder. There are also conditions for hail. The northeast wind will intensify, in the eastern regions it will be moderate. Maximum temperatures will be between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, slightly lower along the Black Sea, in Sofia around 20°C.

It will blow moderate, in the higher parts to a strong north-easterly wind. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be around 13°C, at 2000 meters around 7°C.

During the next days, sunny weather will prevail before noon. Around and after noon, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop and in places, mainly in the eastern and mountainous regions, it will rain and thunder.

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