Chinese-Greek theater festival in Athens

The first Sino-Hellenic International Theater Festival kicked off on Saturday, with Chinese dramas bringing an audio-visual feast to the audiences.

"The festival is an amazing initiative. It is something that of course we fully support from the side of the Greek government," Christos Dimas, Greek Deputy Minister of Culture, told Xinhua at the opening ceremony.

"We are very hopeful that within the next year we will have a lot of cultural exchanges between the two countries," Dimas added.

Chinese Ambassador to Greece Xiao Junzheng said, "China will continue to cooperate with the Greek government, especially the ministry of culture, to implement more cultural cooperation programs."

Two dramas will be performed during the two-day event, including "The Prince of Lanling" from the National Theater of China, and "The New Legend of the White Snake" produced by...

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