Arrested hitmen involved in executions abroad

The members of the group of ethnic Greeks from countries of the former Soviet Union accused of the murders of three Greek mobsters are reportedly linked to the execution of death contracts abroad as well.

Reports say one of the seven, identified as being behind the recent executions in Greece and who is at large, was involved in a murder in Cyprus last October. He is an ethnic Greek from Georgia, accused by Greek authorities of torching a gas station and an illegal tobacco plant in Aspropyrgos in June. 

The victim of the attack in Cyprus was 45-year-old Alexis Mavromichalis, or "Alexoui," against whom five previous assassination attempts had been made before he was finally killed in the apartment building where he lived.

After the murder in Nicosia, the 28-year-old perpetrator left Cyprus and, according to some reports, fled to Russia, with a pit stop at one of...

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