Drecun: Pristina, Sarajevo campaigning to portray Serbs as criminals

BELGRADE - Serbian MP Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday a draft Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly was aimed at portraying the Serbs as a nation of criminals and that Pristina and Sarajevo were in a synchronised campaign to achieve that goal.

Speaking to the RTS, Drecun said leading genocide experts said there had been no genocide in Srebrenica as, by definition, genocide implied an intent to destroy an entire nation or ethnic group.

"That did not happen," he said.

"More than 20,000 women, children and elderly people wanted to cross from Srebrenica into a territory controlled by Bosniak forces, and there are lists of people who were enabled to cross into that territory," Drecun said.

"If adopted, that resolution will by no means lead to reconciliation, and disrespect and unequal treatment of all victims leaves a deep mark among, and...

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