Mitsotakis-Erdogan meeting underway in Ankara

[Intime News]

A meeting between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was underway in Ankara on Monday, in a one-day visit aimed at maintaining the positive momentum achieved in bilateral ties in recent months.

The two leaders are joined by Foreign Ministers, Giorgos Gerapetritis and Hakan Fidan, and two diplomatic advisers, Anna Maria Boura and Akif Chagatai Kilic, according to Greek government sources.

An extended meeting will follow with the participation of, among others, the Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Alexandra Papadopoulou and Kostas Fragogiannis, and Burak Akcapar, and the heads of the two countries' National Intelligence Agencies, Themistoklis Demiris and Ibrahim Kalin. The Greek delegation will also include National Security Adviser, Athanasios Dokos, International Strategic Planning Advisor, Aristotelia Pelonis, and...

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