Diplomatic Support: Embassies in Bulgaria Host Event for International Day Against LGBTQ+ Discrimination

The hosts of the event were the embassies of Great Britain, of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria and the GLAS Foundation

The organizing committee of Sofia Pride commemorated the international day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia with an event that brought together diplomats, journalists, artists and representatives of businesses and non-governmental organizations in Bulgaria.

The event was held for the third year in a row and is organized by the GLAS Foundation, this time being hosted by the British Embassy in Bulgaria and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria.

During the event H.E. Dr. Rob Dixon, British Ambassador to Bulgaria, called on the guests to reflect on the goals of this year's IDAHOBIT - International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia: "Leaving No One Behind: Equality, Freedom and Justice for All".

Dixon said it was a call to all of us to embrace diversity and work towards full inclusion - at home, at work and in law. He added: "The events on and around the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia aim to draw attention to the discrimination and violence faced by LGBTIQ+ people around the world. Tonight, before you, members of the LGBT+ community, allies and friends, I would like to affirm that we are determined to stand shoulder to shoulder with you."

Last summer, some important and long-awaited changes in Bulgarian legislation were adopted. Perceived or actual sexual orientation is already an aggravating factor in hate crime cases. Praising the people who worked for the change in the law to extend protection against hate crime, the British ambassador said: "I know that many of you here tonight have been active in...

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