All News on Politics in Greece

Cynical unionism

It is, unfortunately, not unusual for Greece's unionist instincts to result in one group of professionals causing an enormous amount of hassle for thousands of citizens, with the purpose of putting pressure on whichever government is in power by turning public opinion against it.

Greece signs deal to buy F-35 jets

Greece formally approved an offer to buy 20 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters from the United States as part of a major defense overhaul, government officials said on July 25.

Defense Minister Nikos Dendias said while visiting a military air base near Athens that the purchase would create "a powerful deterrent presence in our region."

Turkey ramps up tensions in the Aegean

This week saw tensions between Greece and Turkey reach levels we have not seen since 2022 in the Aegean as Turkey sent its warships into an area south of the Greek islands of Kassos and Karpathos. Expert Constantinos Filis joins Thanos Davelis to look into whether we are seeing a gradual return of tensions in the Aegean after more than a year of calm. 

Turkish National Security Council reiterates Ankara’s position on Aegean and Cyprus

The Turkish National Security Council (NSC) convened on Thursday under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reaffirmed Ankara's stance on the Aegean and Cyprus issues.

According to the NSC's statement, while Turkey remains open to dialogue on matters related to the Aegean and the Mediterranean, it will persist in defending its rights and interests.

Greece celebrates 50 years of democracy

Greece is celebrating 50 years of democracy, the restoration of which followed the collapse of the seven-year junta that ended disastrously with the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974.

Lockheed Martin welcomes Greece to F-35 program

Lockheed Martin welcomed Greece into the F-35 program on Thursday, announcing that Athens had sent the signed Letter of Acceptance (LOA) for the procurement of 20 fighter jets.

EU condemns shooting at Donald Trump rally

The Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and European officials expressed shock and condemnation following the shooting at a campaign rally for former President Donald Trump.

Trump was shot in the ear during a campaign event on Saturday after a major security lapse, an attack that will likely reshape this year's presidential race and fuel fears of escalating political violence.

Mitsotakis on CNN: Europe cannot rely only on US for defense

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has welcomed the "clear commitment" by all NATO member states to commit to spending at least 2% of GDP on defense spending, adding that European countries cannot "just rely" on the US for their defense.

Greece to deepen economic relations with Canada

Greece's Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis met with Canada's Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development Mary Ng on Friday.

They discussed bilateral relations during the meeting, as well as the potential for further development and deepening of these ties.

Greek PM urges Cyprus solution in meeting with UN chief

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had a meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York on Friday, urging the use of every opportunity to resolve the Cyprus issue. 

Government sources report that Mitsotakis expressed gratitude for Guterres' and his personal envoy Maria Angela Holguin's efforts to revive negotiations on Cyprus.

Beleri granted leave to be sworn in as MEP

Fredi Beleri, a jailed member of Albania's ethnic Greek minority elected last month to the European Parliament, has been granted leave by the Albanian authorities to attend the legislature to be sworn in.

Is a center-left alliance possible only in Paris?

Will the outcome of the elections in France and the UK trigger a wave of support for progressive forces across Europe as a whole? There are some important differences between the two countries that need to be noted. In the UK, extreme populism and promises of magical solutions were tried and they failed dismally.
