All News on Politics in Greece

Serbia to mark Victory Day

BELGRADE - The marking of the Day of victory over Nazism in World War II started late Thursday with a ceremonial artillery salute fired from the Sava terrace of the Belgrade Fortress, the Serbian government said in a statement.

Victory Day, Europe Day marked

Victory Day, Europe Day marked

BELGRADE -- The marking of Day of Victory over Nazism in World War II started late on Thursday with a ceremonial artillery salute fired from the Belgrade Fortress.

Coalition leaders try to rally MPs for elections

PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos is due to address his party’s MPs on Friday in a bid to boost their morale a day after Prime Minister Antonis Samaras sought to drive his lawmakers on to the local and European Parliament elections later this month.

EU support for Euro-integration of entire Western Balkans

THESSALONIKI - Foreign ministers of the EU member states and the Western Balkan countries attending a ministerial conference in Thessaloniki Thursday expressed their support for European integration of the Western Balkan region and announced a EUR 1 billion pre-accession assistance by 2020.

Greek PM Samaras Proposes Constitutional Changes

Andonis Samaras, Greece's Prime Minister, has proposed that changes be introduced into the constitution envisaging direct presidential elections and a reduced number of MPs.

Samaras defends gov't record, attacks SYRIZA

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Thursday defended his conservative government's record while launching a vehement attack on leftist opposition SYRIZA.

Speaking to the parliamentary group of his New Democracy party, Samaras said the government had managed to put the Greek economy back on the road of recovery.

Heralding a new era

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s proposals, presented yesterday, for a constitutional review represent a radical response to demands from Greek citizens for a complete overhaul of the country’s political system.

PM outlines proposals for constitutional reform

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Wednesday presented his party’s proposals for sweeping changes to the Greek Constitution, heralding reforms that would reduce the terms of state officials and increase the accountability of ministers as well as the transparency of political parties.

Top 8 Ways to Use Bulgaria and Romania in Your Election Campaign

Bulgaria and Romania are quite often paired up in European and regional powers' approach to the Balkans. They are said to be both wrapped in political, economic and social problems, but usually do not provoke a huge interest from EU politicians.

Ukraine Link Suspected to Macedonia ‘Name’ Talks

The format of Tuesday's talks in New York on Macedonia's name, which Greece disputes, is the same as in late March.

UN mediator Nimetz will first meet Macedonia’s negotiator, Zoran Jolevski, and Greece’s Adamantios Vassilakis separately, and then at a joint discussion.

Two Migrants Die, Dozens Missing After Vessels Capsize Near Greece

Two migrants have drowned and dozens are reported missing after two vessels capsized in the Aegean Sea, Monday.

Some 65 migrants of different nationalities were trying to reach Greek coast from Turkey by sea. The two small ships have capsized near the Greek island of Samos, the Greek coast-guard announced Monday, cited by Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA).

Parliament's budget office calls for more measured optimism

The budget office of the Greek Parliament has noted in a report that an optimistic outlook might contribute toward stabilizing the economy but that Greece's primary surplus targets should be revised downward as the road toward recovery is still a long one.

PM unveils plans to boost Greece’s tourism

By Stathis Kousounis

The number of foreign tourists in Greece could rise by 50 percent in the next decade, exceeding 30 million visitors per year, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said during the annual general meeting of the Association of Hellenic Tourism Enterprises (SETE) at the Athens Concert Hall on Wednesday.
