All News on Politics in Greece

SYRIZA on tenterhooks ahead of deal

 Top party figures say elections could be needed if proposal does attract support

With Greece due to be presented with a proposal from its lenders, attention is gradually turning toward SYRIZA and how the party?s MPs and members will react to the content of the document put forward by the institutions.

Creditors said to be wrapping up Greek proposal

By Nikos Chrysoloras

Representatives from Greece?s creditors are meeting to wrap up a new proposal aimed at breaking a deadlock for the disbursement of new bailout funds, two people familiar with the matter said.

Greek PM says sent comprehensive proposal to lenders on Monday

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday said his government sent creditors a comprehensive reforms proposal on Monday night and called on European leaders to accept the plan so a long-awaited agreement can be sealed.

Greece said to offer pension reform as debt talks near crunch

By Leigh Thomas & Lefteris Papadimas

Greece's leftist government has put forward first proposals for pension reform as debt talks with international creditors reach a crunch point this week with Athens's cash running out, the European Union's economics chief said on Tuesday.

EU/IMF leaders did not contact Greek PM after Berlin talks, source says

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has not heard from European leaders or the IMF chief who met in Berlin to discuss his cash-strapped country's fate, following their late-night meeting on Monday, a Greek official said on Tuesday.

German media speculates on what the 5 leaders said in Berlin

The German press has been abuzz with its own interpretations of the meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, ECB Chief Mario Draghi, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and IMF Chief Christine Lagarde.  Most of the titles interpreted the meeting as a “last offer to Greece”.

Govt annoyance: SYRIZA manoeuvres for a political solution

Time is running out for the Greek Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government that is in a rush against time to decode the moves and intentions of Greece’s creditors from the European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Lenders decide Greek talks must intensify at Berlin meeting

By Nikos Chrysoloras, Alessandro Speciale & Rebecca Christie

European leaders and the head of the International Monetary Fund agreed to step up the intensity of talks over Greece?s fate after an extraordinary meeting in Berlin about ways to avert a default.

Draghi and Lagarde in Berlin for talks on Greece

By Tom Körkemeier & Jan Strupczewski

The chiefs of the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Funded headed to Berlin for talks late on Monday with the leaders of France and Germany on how to proceed with Greek debt negotiations.

Greece's creditors said to meet in Berlin to discuss plans

By Nikos Chrysoloras & Alessandro Speciale

Top level talks were said to be taking place in Berlin on Monday evening to hammer out a proposal that would be presented to Greece as its only realistic chance of avoiding default and safeguarding its membership of the euro.

Greek talks focus on deal within days as IMF payments loom

By Nikos Chrysoloras

Talks on breaking the impasse over Greece?s financial lifeline took on new urgency as the nation faces a debt repayment at the end of this week with a deal to ease its cash crisis seemingly as far away as ever.

Voting abroad over, turnout 36 percent

The voting for Turkey's June 7 general elections has ended in 54 countries with more than 1 million people voting abroad, mainly in European countries. 

France, Germany raise concerns over EU migrant redistribution plan

France and Germany raised concerns on June 1 over a European Commission plan to redistribute migrants reaching Italy and Greece, saying it must take better account of efforts they have already taken to help asylum-seekers. 

German Commissioner is optimistic regarding soln for Greece

Germany’s EU Commissioner Guenter Oettinger said on Sunday morning that a deal with Greece could be achieved this week. “We will need progress at the working group level, in order that we can agree on a reform agenda, perhaps even by the end of the week which would trigger the payment of the last tranche of aid from the current aid program,” he said, speaking with German newspaper Die Welt.
