All News on Social Issues in Greece

PASOK plays down coalition row over scheme for homeless

PASOK remained tight-lipped on Monday about a row that broke out with its coalition partner, New Democracy, late on Monday after Prime Minister Antonis Samaras announced the creation of homeless shelters without consulting with the Socialist party.

Women on the Left – Konstantina Kuneva

From International Socialist Group

As part of the 'Women on the Left' series, Chris Walsh looks at the Bulgarian-born founding member of the Greek precarious worker's union PEKOP, Konstantina Kuneva, who was subjected to horrific reactionary violence as a result of her endeavours in the service of women, migrants and the working class.

GD lawmaker hails Hitler, condemns homosexuality in interview

Golden Dawn lawmaker Ilias Panagiotaros, one of several of the neofascist party's MPs facing charges as part of a criminal probe, has hailed Adolf Hitler as "a great personality" in an interview with Australian television program 60 Minutes and has said GD would have solved all of Greece's problems if it had taken the law into its hands.

Bulgarians Busted for Heroin Traffic in Greece

Six Bulgarian citizens have been arrested in Greece with 50 kg of heroin, part of an alleged drug traffic channel between Turkey and Greece.

The six Bulgarians were taken into custody in the eastern city of Alexandroupoli, near the border with Turkey, the Bulgarian National Radio reported.

Time for hope, not fear

Many Greeks voted out of fear in the back-to-back 2012 general elections. They did so to keep the country afloat, in the eurozone and safe from calamity. Now, thanks to their votes and the efforts of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, those fears have abated.

OECD report points to heavy tax burden on Greek salary workers

By Costas Karkayiannis

Greece had one of the highest tax burdens on labor income last year, ranking 11th among the 34 member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to an OECD report published on Friday.

Gender discrimination in the workplace on the rise, says Greek Ombudsman

The number of workplace gender discrimination charges in Greece went up by 25 percent, according to a Citizens’ Advocate (Ombudsman) report released on Monday.

“The crisis and its consequences clearly reflect on the quality of jobs and occupations available to women,” said the survey, which put the number of reported discrimination cases at 327.

Ministry says 633 migrants returned home in March

A total of 633 migrants returned to their native countries from Greece in March according to figures released by the Public Order Ministry on Monday.

Greek Film Week on April 23-28

BELGRADE - Marking the Hellenic presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Greek Film Week will take place from April 23 to 28 in Belgrade, under the title “Images from the past, vision of the future”.

Athens rivals clash over mosque referendum idea

New Democracy’s candidate for Athens mayor, Aris Spiliotopoulos, on Friday hit back at criticism from leftist parties over his pledge that he will hold a referendum on building a mosque in the Greek capital should he win May’s municipal election.

Romania Reports Decline in Human Trafficking

Some 876 cases of human trafficking were officially reported in Romania last year, which was down on the figure for 2012 but showed that the problem persists, officials say.

Racism ‘entrenched’ in Greek police, says Amnesty International

An investigation by Amnesty International has found “entrenched racism, excessive use of force and deep-rooted impunity” in the Greek Police.

“Our investigation shows that the Golden Dawn debacle is only the tip of the iceberg,” said AI spokesperson Jezerca Tigani, referring to a previous probe into links between the police and the neofascist party.

UNICEF: A third of minors in Greece at risk of poverty

The quality of life of children in Greece has worsened due to cuts in social benefits, a growing number of unemployed parents, increasing poverty levels and inadequate access to medical care, according to a report by the children’s charity UNICEF, whose findings were made public on Thursday.
