Latest News from Macedonia

Bulgaria's Customs Agency to Undergo Thorough Probe

Bulgarian Customs Agency head Pavel Tonev has vowed a comprehensive inspection at the authority.

Tonev, who was appointed Director of the Customs Agency in November 2013, explained in an interview for Standard daily that the probe would include public procurement deals from 2009 on.

Macedonia promotes education for Roma population

Macedonia promotes education for Roma population

The government and civil society are funding and implementing programmes for young Roma to attend school and improve their social integration.

Roma community leaders tour the new Roma high school in Suto Orizari. [Miki Trajkovski/SETimes]

PM Bribe Claim Electrifies Macedonian Election

The recording released amid a tense election campaign in Macedonia comes a day after opposition Social Democrats accused Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of taking a bribe of €1.5 million for expediting the sale of Makedonska Banka AD to Serbian businessman Jovica Stefanovic, aka “Gazda Nini” ["Boss Nini"] in 2004.

Macedonia PM Accused of Bribery Over Bank Sale

Macedonia's opposition Social Democratic Party, SDSM, has accused Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of selling Makedonska Banka AD to a controversial Serbian businessman, Jovica Stefanovic, known as “Gazda Nini” ["Boss Nini"] for a bribe.

Stormy weather expected in northwest, central Greece

The Hellenic National Meteorological Service ( on Wednesday issued a warning of a shift in warm weather starting in the northwest of the country with rain, thunderstorms as well as snow in mountainous areas.

Patriarch Irinej sends Easter message

BELGRADE - Patriarch Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church on Wednesday sent his Easter message to all Christians and said that he is particularly praying for the brothers and sisters in the Middle East and Ukraine, with the wish that his prayer and the Easter holidays enlighten the minds of hate-mongers against the Holy Orthodoxy.

Political Clash Mars Macedonia Election Campaign

Macedonian police said they would charge six people over a brawl that took place on Tuesday in Skopje’s Lisice district between supporters of the main ruling VMRO DPMNE party and the opposition Social Democrats, SDSM.

The affray erupted moments after the opposition Social Democrat presidential candidate, Stevo Pendarovski, left the area.

Kremlin threatens gas supplies to Southeast Europe

Kremlin threatens gas supplies to Southeast Europe

Several nations receive Russian gas via Ukraine. In other business news: Albania's credit rating sees improvement and Turkey's military spending surpasses Canada.

The EU says Russia should not politicise its contractual shipments of gas. [AFP]

Macedonia Opposition Blames Poor Result on Fraud

The head of Macedonia's main opposition Social Democratic Party, SDSM, Zoran Zaev, said his party would soon provide evidence of election fraud on the part of the government of Nikola Gruevski whose VMRO DPMNE party is endorsing Ivanov’s candidacy for a second term.

OSCE Sees 'Uneven Playing Field' in Macedonia Polls

The OSCE/ODIHR monitoring mission to Skopje said on Monday that the polls were well administered and fundamental freedoms were respected with only “small procedural irregularities” and “instances of organized voting”, but the pre-election campaign failed to provide an even field for all political players.

Anniversary of Syrmian Front breakthrough

Anniversary of Syrmian Front breakthrough

ŠID -- The 69th anniversary of the breakthrough of the Axis line on the Syrmian Front and final battles for liberation from the Nazi occupation has been marked.

Gjorge Ivanov Wins First Round of Macedonia's Presidential Elections

Incumbent President Gjorge Ivanov, from the ruling VMRO DPMNE party, has declared victory at Macedonia's presidential elections.

Ivanov is however not the outright winner, because although he received 51.65% of the votes, the low turnout means he gathered support from barely one-fourth of the population.

Ivanov Takes Lead in Macedonia Polls

Preliminary results from Sunday’s presidential election in Macedonia suggest that Ivanov, who is running for a second five-year term for the ruling VMRO DPMNE party, is leading the count, ahead of his main rival, Stevo Pendarovski who is running for the opposition Social Democrats.

The State Electoral Commission, said that 95 per cent of the votes have been counted so  far.

Polls Close in Macedonia Presidential Election

The State Electoral Commission said that the voting went well with reports of minor irregularities.

“By 17h 41, 23 per cent of the electorate had cast their ballots” informed.

This is  considerably less than at the previous presidential poll five years ago when by this time, 48,73 percent had voted.
