All News on Politics in Turkey

8 Bulgarian Officers to Take Part in NATO Operation in Turkey

Bulgarian government has authorized the deployment of eight officers in a NATO operation for enhancing air defense of Turkey, the cabinet's press office announced, Wednesday.

The planned participation is on a rotation basis. It will be implemented in the period June 2014 - January 2015. Bulgarian troops will be part of NATO's 2nd communications battalion.

Turkey's Erdogan, Germany's Gauck Display Mutual Reproof

The German President Joachim Gauck is "still behavings as a pastor" and not as a statesman, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday.

Erdogan also accused Gauck of intervening into Turkey's internal affairs.

Turkey to Start Gulen Extradition

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday Ankara is to launch extradition proceedings against Muslim Cleric Fethullah Gulen, who lives in the US.

Lines Form at Border Crossings Between Bulgaria and Turkey

There are long lines of freight trucks at the border crossings between Bulgaria and Turkey, reports Bulgaria's wire service BTA, quoting Turkish media. 

At Kapikule – Kapitan Andreevo crossing the line on the Turkish side is around 6 km and at Hamzabeyli - Lesovo - around 5 km. 

Turkish Govt 'Committed Corruption of Consience' - Top Judge

Hasim Kilic, the head of Turkey's Constitutional Court, criticized the government on Friday over its meddling into judiciary affairs.

Kilic claimed the cabinet was committing "a corruption of conscience", as Hurriyet Daily News quoted it as saying.

International conference on World War One begins

BELGRADE - An international conference on World War One is being held in Belgrade on Friday, with the goal to objectivise the truth abou that great conflict.

The conference started on Thursday and includes distinguished scientists, historians and military experts from 20 countries in Europe and Asia.

Russia Bans Military and Police from Traveling Abroad

Russia issued a blanket ban on foreign trips for its law enforcement and military personnel, reports 

The list includes Bulgaria, USA, Canada, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, etc. The number of off limits countries totals 150. 

Turkish PM Inaugurates Drilling for Eurasia Tunnel

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has attended the inauguration ceremony for the Eurasia Tunnel Project in Istanbul.

The Eurasia tunnel is to connect the Asian and European sides of Istanbul via a road tunnel going under the Marmara Sea.

Bulgaria To Spend Another BGN 35 M On Refugees

Bulgaria's Government approved the spending of another BGN 35 M on dealing with the refugee crisis, reports Sega daily.

Thus the total sum would reach BGN 62 M. 

The new sum includes the completion of the construction of the 35 km fence at the border between Bulgaria and Turkey, as well as improvements of the living conditions in the refugee centers and their expansion. 

Turkey to Allow South Stream Passage "if Russia Requests It"

Turkey would consider the possibility that the South Stream gas pipeline could pass through its territory if Russia makes a request, the country's Energy Minister said Wednesday.

Taner Yildiz announced that Turkey was "open to assessing any request for the line to pass" through its land, Hurriyet Daily News quoted him as saying.

Turkish migrant smuggler shot dead off island of Kos [Update]

Authorities launched an investigation Tuesday after a suspected migrant smuggler from Turkey was shot dead during an operation by the Greek coast guard off the island of Kos in the southeastern Aegean.

The predawn incident occurred after the 29-year-old victim dropped off seven Syrian migrants on the island, the coast guard said in a statement.

PACE Vote on Russia Splits Serbian Parties

A vote last week in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, PACE, condemning Russian actions in Ukraine has caused divisions in Serbia, especially within the opposition Democratic Party.
