Archaeological Visitor Centre will be Built in Perperikon

A visitor centre for BGN 3 million will be built in Perperikon in 2019, archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov said in an interview with Focus News Agency.
This is the fourth European programme implemented on Perperikon. Its name is INTERREG and it is being developed jointly by Bulgaria and the Greek city of Maroneia, the professor explained. He went on to say that so far tens of millions had been invested in Perperikon in terms of archaeology, restoration and conservation, infrastructure, but the visitor centre will be the hardest thing to do. "There will be a model of Perperikon - both a 3D model and a classic one. There will also be a café for people to rest. On the underground floor there will be for us, archaeologists, labs and conference rooms," Prof. Ovcharov said. 
The project started back in 2004 but for various reasons its implementation failed. Now the amount of about BGN 3 million is available and the deadline for the completion of the project is middle December in a year, the archaeologist explained

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