Preliminary results of national minority councils elections


Preliminary results of national minority councils elections

BELGRADE -- The Election Commission (RIK) announced on Monday the preliminary results of elections for the National Councils of National Minorities.

The voting is most likely to be repeated at two polling stations in Tutin, southwestern Serbia, following an incident when voter lists were torn up.

According to the preliminary results after processing data from 390 of a total of 392 polling stations in the elections for the National Council of the Hungarian National Minority, the most seats, 31, were won by the Hungarian Unity list, which took 83 percent of the vote, RIK official Dragan Vukmirović announced.

When it comes to the Bosniak national minority, 34,282 people, or 35.67 percent of the 96,110 registered voters went to the polls, and RIK has processed 263 of the 267 polling stations.

The For Bosniak Unity - Sulejman Ugljanin list garnered 8,485 votes or 19 seats, while For the Bosniaks, Sanžak and the Mufti won a total of 15,517 votes or 16 seats.

When it comes to the Albanian nationality voters, 13,999 people or 40.37 percent of the 34,675 registered voters took to the polls.

According to data processed from 97 of the 100 polling places where the ethnic Albanians voted, the Coalition for the Rights of Albanians list, which amassed 41.05 percent of the vote, and the Coalition of United Albanians, which won 36.29 percent of the vote, each got six seats, said Vukmirović.

Three seats went to the Democratic Party list, which received 19.89 percent of the vote.

In the elections for the Council of the Roma National Minority, nine seats were won by the Roma for a better future while the Romani Voice for...

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