Cartwright: CoE will back ministry of public administration

BELGRADE - New Head of the Council of Europe (CoE) Office in Belgrade Tim Cartwright said on Tuesday that the CoE has mechanisms to help the Serbian ministry of public administration and local self-government when it comes to legal arrangements within the ministry's competence.

As the ministry of public administration stated in a release, Cartwright, who took office on October 1, said in talks with Minister Kori Udovicki that the CoE's expert assistance would also contain the information on the experiences of the EU member states.

Udovicki voiced willingness for further good cooperation between the ministry of public administration and local self-government and the CoE Office.

As for the position of national minorities, Udovicki underscored that through talks with the newly-elected representatives of national councils of national minorities, the ministry will work on improving the relevant laws and stepping up its implementation.
"It is necessary to bring all actors to the table and open all topics so that the issues be resolved," Udovicki said.

She said that the talks would maybe lead to changes to the laws, all in an effort to strengthen the integration of national minority members into the community.

Photo Ministry of Interior (archive photo)

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