Gallup: 40% of Bulgarians Would Not Vote in General Election

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According to the latest political and economic index of Gallup International, which was released on Wednesday, 40% of eligible Bulgarians would not vote if parliamentary elections were held now.

The survey revealed no significant changes in the public attitudes compared to March, when the initially positive attitude towards the current minority coalition government started to fade.

Confidence in the government at the beginning of April stood at 30%, while mistrust was almost double that figure, measuring 58%.

The parliament continues to register an even lower approval rate - with only 18% having confidence in it, while 71% mistrust the institution.

Part of the electors of the main ruling party GERB are hesitant in the past two months, which is in line with the gradual wearing out of support for the party in power as its term progresses.

Despite this trend, GERB continues to be the main player in Bulgarian politics, with23 % saying they would vote for the party in the event of parliamentary elections, followed by 15% for BSP.

These figures represent all eligible voters and are not forecasts for electoral results.

In case parliamentary elections were to take place, GERB, BSP, DPS, the Reformist Bloc (RB) and the Patriotic Front (PF) would pass the 4% threshold to enter parliament.

Ataka and the Alternative for Bulgarian Revival (ABV) also have realistic outlooks for entering the parliament.

The following months will show whether there will be considerable dynamics in the approval rates of the presidential institution.

In the past months, around one third approved the president, while two thirds assessed the institution negatively.

There are no considerable changes in the levels of confidence towards...

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