Bulgaria's Main Ruling Party GERB Proposes Referendum alongside Elections

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Bulgaria's main ruling party GERB tabled to parliament amendments to the Referendum Act, which are aimed at facilitating the holding of a referendum with the local elections.

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and GERB expressed their support for the holding of referendum on changes to the electoral system together with the forthcoming local elections in the autumn.

However neither a proposal for the holding of such a referendum has been tabled to parliament nor a collection of signatures has started, daily Dnevnik reports.

The amendments tabled by GERB foresee for municipal electoral commissions to also be in charge of organising a national referendum on the territory of the country when local elections and referenda are held on the same date.

The changes also provide for the president to appoint the holding of referendum on the same date with other national elections in case such are forthcoming within one year after the parliament's decision of holding a referendum.

In practice, the proposed changes tie the holding of referenda with elections as the regular local elections are scheduled to take place in 2015, the presidential ones will follow suit in 2016, while the regular parliamentary elections should be held in 2018.

Parties, coalitions and initiative committees are provided with the opportunity to register themselves as being in favour of the issues at question or proponents of the alternative position.

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