British FM Boris Johnson 'secretly' arrives at Turkish resort in Göcek for family vacation

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and his family came to Turkey on holiday last week. Johnson, his wife, and his four children secretly landed at the Dalaman airport and arrived at the Turkish resort in Muğla's Göcek via a gulet sailboat.

Johnson and his family visited the bays of Göcek, Dalyan, and Fethiye during the week and took a swim in the various Aegean bays.

The Johnson family's vacation agency's founder, Özgür Özdemir, said Johnson has visited Turkey on summer holidays for two years.

"He [Johnson], his wife, and children were very pleased with this year's holiday. He told us he will come again next year. This time he wants to visit the bays of Kekova, the ancient city of Simena, Kaş, and Kalkan. We have successfully organized their trip for two years. It is also an honor that Mr. Secretary trusts us," he said.

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