EC Survey: Bulgaria in the Top 3 of the Most Racist Countries in Europe


With the ongoing migrant crisis for several years in Europe, the attitude of EU citizens towards different ethnic groups is changing. However, would they feel comfortable with their son or daughter having a romantic relationship with a person of different backgrounds and religions? This is a question of a European Commission survey of 2015 quoted by Bored Panda and

In August 2017, a user of the Reddit platform, nicknamed Bezzleford, decided to make maps of the survey data. This is how color is distinguished who are the most racist countries in the EU. And the result is not particularly good for Bulgaria.

To the question: "Will you feel comfortable if one of your children has a connection with a black person?", Only between 20 and 29% of Bulgarians respond with "Yes".
Our country is among the few on the continent, colored in red by the indicator. In this color are also the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and the Baltic States.

A little more (between 30 and 39%) are Bulgarians who would not mind if their child's partner is of Asian origin.

But when it comes to Muslims, we are returning to the bright red area - one fifth of people in our country would not approve of their child's relationship with a man who professed this religion.

Apparently the only ones against whom we do not mind are the Jews. More than half of Bulgarians would feel comfortable if their Jewish person entered into their family as a son-in-law or sister-in-law.

Most Western and Central European countries are colored green, indicating that there is greater tolerance for different ethnic and religious groups.

Between 90% and 100% of the Swedes, for example, don't mind if their child has romantic relationship with a person of Asian descent....

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