New BDZ Trains will Travel From Sofia to Burgas For 3h


The new BDZ trains will travel from Sofia to Burgas for only three hours. 41 railway trains will cost almost BGN 420 million.

36 of them will be electric and 5 - diesel. Public procurement terms are almost ready and will be announced within weeks.

The first will be on the lines between Sofia and Burgas and Sofia and Svilengrad. They will have 6 sections, and in the 1st class there will be a luxury restaurant with menu and waiters,  air conditioning and Wi-Fi.

With them the distance from Sofia to Burgas will be taken for about 3 hours at an average speed of 160 km / h. The lorries can develop 200 km / h, but our infrastructure is not adapted to that.

Passengers will be able to log on to a BDZ site with movies and music to download to their tablet or phone for the trip.

Almost all major European producers and many outside the EU have an interest in the upcoming procedure, including Hitachi.

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