PM Dancila: Discussion about breaching rule of law in Romania is a false topic, eminently political

The discussion about the breaching the rule of law in Romania is "a false topic, eminently political," Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Thursday in the beginning of the Government sitting, adding that she brought arguments in Brussels regarding this matter.

"I participated in Brussels in the meeting of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats of the European Parliament, where I had the opportunity to talk about the measures adopted at governmental level for promoting reforms at economic and social level, for increasing the living standard and stimulating investments. I underscored that all these measures were aimed at Romania's economic revival, the achievement of social justice, the defense of citizens' rights and freedoms and the balancing of the state powers," Dancila stated.

Furthermore, the Executive head mentioned that the amendments brought to the justice area were made with the observance of the European values.

"The discussion about breaching the rule of law in Romania is a false topic, eminently political, and I brought arguments in this regard. In respect to the amendments brought to the justice area, I highlighted that they were made with the observance of the European values, in agreement with the European directives, the Constitutional Court decisions, the ECHR [the European Court of Human Rights] jurisprudence and the recommendations of the Venice Commission," Dancila stated.

In relation to the protest that took place in Bucharest on 10 August, Dancila state that, although the legal framework has been breached, the guilty ones will be made accountable for their action.

"I showed that there is currently an investigation going and, in front of the law, we all should be equal. If breaches of the legal framework occurred on either side, the guilty ones will be made accountable according to the law in force, but only a correct investigation can determine this thing. I have all the confidence that reason will manage to overcome all these manipulations or rumors intended to induce a wrong perception about the manner in which Romania implements the rule of law principles and the European values and principles," Dancila also said.

The PM also pointed out other results of her working visit, which she paid on Tuesday and Wednesday to Brussels, where she met with several representatives of the political groups of the European Parliament.

"The discussions were cordial, constructive and as open as possible. The message I conveyed to everyone I discussed with was that Romania is ready to responsibly manage European files in our first mandate of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in the first semester of next year. In view of this mandate, I considered such dialogue to be necessary with all the political groups of the European Union's elected forum, as a first, at the member states level. We want a successful mandate, but we are equally interested in contributing to the consolidation of the European project, and this requires a consensus of all political forces, solidarity between member states and not new cleavages within the European Union," Dancila revealed.

Moreover, the head of the Executive mentioned that she conveyed to the partners in Brussels "her full availability for an open dialogue with representatives of the European institutions" and "reconfirmed Romania's Government commitment to the Democratic principles and values."

"Taking into account the debate scheduled in the beginning of October, in the European Parliament, I showed that, beyond the political disputes, Romania is one of the most pro-European states and always has observed its commitments to the European Union," Dancila mentioned. AGERPRES (RO - author: Madalina Cerban, editor: Florin Marin; EN - author: Rodica State, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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